
Talk: Ecology & Conservation of Butterflies in Tropical Forests & Urban Landscapes

Date : 02 Dec 2016
Time : 7pm to 8pm
Location : NSS Office

Address: 510 Geylang Road, #02-05, The Sunflower, Singapore 389466

Open to the Public

The future of Southeast Asian butterflies depends on how we manage populations in the region's transformed tropical landscapes. Join Dr Anuj Jain, former Chairperson of the Butterfly and Insect Group, as he looks at this concern based on his recently concluded doctoral work. Using Singapore as a model system, he will share i) how butterfly extinctions and discoveries in the last 25 years compare with historic times in Singapore, ii) the importance of different landscapes for common and rare butterflies, and iii) if butterflies are generalist or specialist nectar-feeders and the implications of feeding on non-native flowers. 

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