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Graphium doson evemonides
(Common Jay)

©Soon Chye
Chilasa clytia clytia
(Common Mime)

©Gan CW
Papilio demoleus malayanus
(Lime Butterfly)

©Gan CW
Papilio polytes romulus
(Common Mormon)

©Gan CW
Papilio memnon agenor
(Great Mormon)

©Gan CW
Graphium sarpedon luctatius
(Common Bluebottle)

©Gan CW
Graphium agamemnon agamemnon
(Tailed Jay)

©Gan CW
Catopsilia pomona pomona
(Lemon Emigrant)

©Gan CW
Catopsilia pomona pomona
(Lemon Emigrant)

©Gan CW
Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe
(Mottled Emigrant)

©Gan CW
Catopsilia scylla cornelia
(Orange Emigrant)

©Gan CW
Eurema hecabe contubernalis
(Common Grass Yellow)

©Gan CW
Eurema brigitta senna
(No Brand Grass Yellow)

©Gan CW
Appias libythea olferna
(Striped Albatross)

©Gan CW
Delias hyparete metarete
(Painted Jezebel)

©Gan CW
Leptosia nina malayana

©Gan CW
Pieris canidia canidia
(Cabbage White)

©Gan CW
Eulaceura osteria kumana
(Purple Duke)

©Gan CW
Polyura hebe plautus
(Plain Nawab)

©Gan CW
Polyura hebe plautus
(Plain Nawab)

©Gan CW
Polyura schreiber tisamenus
(Blue Nawab)

©Gan CW
Danaus chrysippus chrysippus
(Plain Tiger)

©Simon Chan
Euploea crameri bremeri
(Spotted Black Crow)

©Gan CW
Euploea midamus singapura
(Blue Spotted Crow)

©Gan CW
Euploea mulciber mulciber
(Striped Blue Crow)

©Gan CW
Euploea tulliolus ledereri
(Dwarf Crow)

©Gan CW
Ideopsis vulgaris macrina
(Blue Glassy Tiger)

©Tze Siong
Parantica agleoides agleoides
(Dark Glassy Tiger)

©Simon Chan
Euploea core graminifera
(Common Indian Crow)

©Gan CW
Phalanta phalantha phalantha

©Gan CW
Terinos terpander robertsia
(Royal Assyrian)

©Gan CW
Acraea violae
(Tawny Coster)

©Gan CW
Cethosia hypsea elioti
©Cheng YH
Athyma asura idita
(Studded Sergeant)

©Gan CW
Athyma kanwa kanwa
(Dot-Dash Sergeant)

©Gan CW
Euthalia aconthea gurda

©Gan CW
Euthalia aconthea gurda

©Gan CW
Euthalia monina monina
(Malay Baron)

©Tze Siong
Lebadea martha parkeri

©Gan CW
Lexias canescens pardalina
(Yellow Archduke)

©Derek Liew
Moduza procris milonia

©Gan CW
Neptis hylas papaja
(Common Sailor)

©Gan CW
Neptis leucoporos cresina
(Grey Sailor)

©Gan CW
Pantoporia hordonia hordonia
(Common Lascar)

©Gan CW
Phaedyma columella singa
(Short Banded Sailor)

©Gan CW
Discophora sondaica despoliata
(Common Duffer)

©Gan CW
Faunis canens arcesilas
(Common Faun)

©Gan CW
Doleschallia bisaltide bisaltide
(Autumn Leaf)

©Gan CW
Hypolimnas anomala anomala
(Malayan Eggfly)

©Gan CW
Hypolimnas bolina bolina
(Great Eggfly)

©Gan CW
Junonia almana javana
(Peacock Pansy)

©Gan CW
Junonia hedonia ida
(Chocolate Pansy)

©Gan CW
Elymnias hypermnestra agina
(Common Palmfly)

©Gan CW
Elymnias panthera panthera
(Tawny Palmfly)

©Soon Chye
Mycalesis fusca fusca
(Malayan Bush Brown)

©Gan CW
Mycalesis mineus macromalayana
(Dark Brand Bush Brown)

©Gan CW
Elymnias esaca esaca
(Elymnias esaca)

©Gan CW
Melanitis zitenius auletes
(Great Evening Brown)

©Gan CW
Zemeros flegyas albipunctatus

©Soon Chye
Curetis saronis sumatrana
(Sumatran Sunbeam)

©Gan CW
Anthene emolus goberus
(Ciliate Blue)

©Gan CW
Arhopala abseus abseus
(Aberrant Oakblue)

©Gan CW
Arhopala major major
©Gan CW
Cheritra freja frigga
(Common Imperial)

©Gan CW
Chilades pandava pandava
(Cycad Blue)

©Gan CW
Drupadia ravindra moorei
(Common Posy)

©Gan CW
Eooxylides tharis distanti
(Branded Imperial)

©Gan CW
Euchrysops cnejus cnejus
(Gram Blue)

©Gan CW
Flos apidanus saturatus
(Plain Plushblue)

©Gan CW
Flos diardi capeta
(Bifid Plushblue)

©Gan CW
Hypolycaena erylus teatus
(Common Tit)

©Gan CW
Iraota rochana boswelliana
(Scarce Silverstreak)

©Gan CW
Lampides boeticus
(Pea Blue / Long-tailed Blue)

©Gan CW
Loxura atymnus fuconius

©Gan CW
Rapala pheretima sequeira
(Copper Flash)

©Gan CW
Surendra vivarna amisena
(Acacia Blue)

©Soon Chye
Tajuria cippus maxentius
(Peacock Royal)

©Gan CW
Zizeeria maha serica
(Pale Grass Blue)

©Gan CW
Zizina otis lampa
(Lesser Grass Blue)

©Gan CW
Zizula hylax pygmaea
(Pygmy Grass Blue)

©Gan CW
Badamia exclamationis
(Brown Awl)

©Soon Chye
Bibasis sena uniformis
(Orange-Tail Awl)

©Gan CW
Burara etelka
(Great Orange Awlet)

©Gan CW
Burara harisa consobrina
(Orange Awlet)

©Gan CW
Ancistroides nigrita maura
(Chocolate Demon)

©Gan CW
Baoris oceia
(Paintbrush Swift)

©Soon Chye
Caltoris cormasa
(Full Stop Swift)

©Soon Chye
Erionota acroleuca apicalis
©Gan CW
Erionota thrax thrax
(Banana Skipper)

©Gan CW
Gangara thyrsis thyrsis
(Giant Redeye)

©Gan CW
Halpe ormenes vilasina
(Dark Banded Ace)

©Soon Chye
Hidari irava
(Coconut Skipper)

©Gan CW
Iambrix salsala salsala
(Chestnut Bob)

©Gan CW
Matapa aria
(Common Redeye)

©Gan CW
Pelopidas assamensis
(Great Swift)

©Soon Chye
Pyroneura latoia latoia
(Yellow Vein Lancer)

©Gan CW
Suastus gremius gremius
(Palm Bob)

©Gan CW
Udaspes folus
(Grass Demon)

©Gan CW
Unkana ambasa batara
(Hoary Palmer)

©Soon Chye
Borbo cinnara cinnara
(Formosan Swift)

©Soon Chye
Notocrypta curvifascia corinda
©Gan CW
Pelopidas conjunctus conjunctus
(Conjoined Swift)

©Soon Chye
Telicota linna
©Soon Chye
Odina hieroglyphica ortina
(Hieroglyphic Flat)

©Soon Chye
Tagiades calligana
©Soon Chye
Tapena thwaitesi bornea
(Black Angle)

©Soon Chye