Author: Graeme Guy
In this article, the author takes us through the interesting lives and behaviours of the common and rare sunbirds in Singapore. They are the Olive Backed Sunbird (which is the most common), the Crimson Sunbird (which is the unofficial National Bird of Singapore!), the Plain Throated Sunbird and the Copper Throated Sunbird. He lists the characteristic features which distinguish the males from the females.
The species which was once largely confined to the jungle is becoming increasingly visible in the urban environment. These active little birds stand out with their amazing skills of waste disposal, nectar collection and nest construction which equips them for survival in the food chain. Their preferred food plants, nesting seasons and habitats have been described in vivid detail. The author draws differences between sunbirds and the deceivingly similar hummingbirds. For birdwatchers, the article also lists the locations where sunbirds can be sighted in Singapore, such as the Mandai Orchid Gardens, Zoological Gardens and coastal areas like Pulau Ubin. The author urges Nature lovers to look closely at the greenery around to spot what he calls ‘flying jewels'.